ArabBrain Center

Welcome to the first Arab Digital Brain Center. This site is shared by a group of doctors concerned with the treatment of brain diseases.

Work hours

Sunday – Thursday 8:00 – 5:00
Saturday 9:00 – 5:00
Friday 11:00 – 4:00


Welcome to Arab brain Center

This site contains a harmonious group of doctors and therapists concerned with the brain.

Meet our doctors

Dr.. Aseel Ibrahim Sobeih
Dr.. Aseel Ibrahim SobeihBrain, neurosurgery and spine specialist
Dr. Saleh Sarhan
Dr. Saleh SarhanPhysical medicine and rehabilitation specialist
Dr. Ahmed Al-Salem
Dr. Ahmed Al-SalemPsychiatry and mental health specialist
Dr. Moath Al-Qurashi
Dr. Moath Al-QurashiPediatric neurosurgeon
Mr. Muhannad Halaseh
Mr. Muhannad HalasehAnalytical Psychotherapist
Mr. Muhannad Al-Absi
Mr. Muhannad Al-AbsiCognitive behavioral therapist for adults and play psychotherapy for children
Mrs. Ola Khorshid
Mrs. Ola KhorshidArt therapy
Mrs. Hala Al-Damour
Mrs. Hala Al-DamourSpeech and language specialist
Mrs. Taghreed Qarqash
Mrs. Taghreed QarqashPsychometric specialist for learning difficulties
Mrs. Dina Halaseh
Mrs. Dina HalasehDirector of the Mind Matters Center in Jordan to develop brain functions

The center also cooperates with the following doctors:

Dr. Khalil Al-Salem
Dr. Khalil Al-SalemOphthalmic consultant
Dr. Khaled Al-Omar
Dr. Khaled Al-OmarSpecialist in general and pediatric surgery
Dr. Hamid Al-Omar
Dr. Hamid Al-OmarDental surgery specialist